Look Up Value

The lookup stage allows you to lookup a certain value in a data set. You pass in a variable and a define a set of keys and value and the system will automatically find the corresponding value for the key you've specified.


InputThe name of the key to look for
Default if not foundThe default value to return if the key is not found in the set
Output VariableThe name of the variable to return the value in
KeyThe name of the key in the lookup data set. You can specify several key/value pairs to use
ValueThe value of the key specified above

For example: Let's say you have a deposit data element called DepositType that is numeric but relates to the following payment types:

1: Visa
2: MasterCard
3: Bank Transfer

In order to convert the numeric value (1,2,3) to the corresponding payment type, you would set the stage as follows:

Default if not foundOther
ValueBank Transfer

This would return the value (Visa, MasterCard, BankTransfer) in the variable DepositTypeDescription based on the value of DepositType. It would return "Other" if the key is not found