Query Data

The Query Data block is a more advanced way to retrieve data from storage and allows you to search for specific data or aggregate on record sets (e.g. counting and sums).

Query Type

All items as array: Return all items in the query as a collection


Get Sums and Counts: Returns total sum, count, min, max average of the record set. This could only be used when there is only one numeric key in the group and record set

Group NameThe grouping name of the data to query
Record NameThe record name of the data to query
Filter 1Used to filter records that are only greater than a certain amount
Filter 2Used to filter records that are only greater than a certain amount
Order ByThe order (asc or desc) to query the records in
Number Of RecordsThe maximum number of records to return in the query
Reverse OrderUsed in conjunction with number of records and will reverse the final set of records returned
Output Array VariableThe name of the variable to store the final result set in - this is what is referenced in other stages

The Order By & Reverse Order can be used in specific situations to return an appropriately ordered set. For example, let's say you have a list that is numbered from 1-100. Returning 10 records in descending order will return 100,99,98..91. If you set the reverse order to true, it will return 91,92,93..100